Sawang Merata-rata - Salam.. maaflah blog ni penuh dengan sawang2. aku berkursus keusahawanan di cameron highlands selama 5 hari dari sabtu lepas sampailah semalam. kat bhotel/b ada... 1 bulan yang lepas. Nukilan Hati Diya. b.../b
Not sure where this question was, but one way that the Twin Cities got the police personnel was by canceling all bvacation/b time (over labor day weekend!) and mandatory overtime. That isn't going to put the cops in a good mood right there. b..../b Mai hed be bhertin/b frum teh dum. I fill my mind with words again... And a wiser voice brings consolation. Singing somethin''bout a better nation. #154 ::: Raphael ::: (view all by) ::: September 05, 2008, 01:41 AM: b.../b
When Will You Be Taking Your Next Vacation? Pulau Manukan, Sabah Where Do You Live? Taman Nelly, Kota Kinabalu. Where Is The Best Place To Be? Library, Beach. Where Was Your Last Vacation? 'Tip of Borneo? (Simpang Mengayau, Kudat) ...